The Executive Board of WFP invites bids from member societies to host the 2026 ICOPA. The formal bid will be presented during ICOPA XV in Copenhagen in August 2022 by way of a trade stand and formal presentations. WFP Council members will vote on the venues proposed at ICOPA XV and the final outcome will be based on a simple majority.

The deadline for submitting bids will be September 30th, 2021. Currently, the Executive requests that interested member societies submit a letter expressing the intention to submit a bid to the Executive Secretary (Assoc Prof David Piedrafita, ). Once received, instructions for submitting bids by September 30th will be sent. Societies are directed to the pages on the WFP website that relate to running an ICOPA and show information on the last three ICOPAs in Glasgow UK, Melbourne Australia and Mexico City Mexico.

Member societies should note that the Executive Board has retained a core PCO to oversee our congress business. This will significantly diminish the involvement of a local PCO in running an ICOPA and this will lead to certain changes which member societies planning to submit a bid for 2022 should be aware of. Additionally, the Executive Board has approved a proposition that the ICOPA per capita levy for WFP will change in 2018 from US$10 per delegate to 10% of the total registration fee income.

For reviews of ICOPA XI held in Glasgow (2006), ICOPA XII held in Melbourne in 2010 and  ICOPA XIII in Mexico City (2014) please see our Post Congress Reports page.


How to get the next ICOPA in your country

In order to run an ICOPA meeting, a local society or local committee needs to collaborate with professional congress organizers. The scientific content is controlled largely by the local organizing group, whereas the organization and logistics are the responsibility of the professional congress organizers. Many congresses are helped financially by guaranteed support from government, industries and local authorities. However, large congresses may end up with a net profit, since the relative cost per participant does not increase significantly over a certain number of attendees (in many cases the break even point is about 1,000). These congresses may involve in excess of US$500,000.



1. An application is required for the regular (every 4 years) International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA) to go to a specific Congress Center. Applications are submitted in writing to the Secretary General of the Executive Board of the WFP. The application should be made well in advance of an ICOPA conference, because during an ICOPA meeting the Board will consider and propose, and the Council meeting will decide, where the next ICOPA (in 4 years) will be held (see Constitution). The application may be prepared by the Congress centre or a professional Congress Organizer, but in either case it must be supported by a Member Society of the WFP. An official approval from the local authorities (Ministry of Health, Education, Tourism, Agriculture; the Mayor or the Governor of the province; Head of the University etc.) must also be provided.

2. Give details of the suggested place and dates for the meeting.

3. Please use the questionnaire supplied to provide information about:

  • accommodation facilities

  • conference facilities

  • congress center capacity

  • local transport

  • social programmes

  • details of requirements for visas

  • financial responsibilities

4. Give evidence that a fund will be created to sponsor individual participants from developing countries

5. Note that a contribution of 10 US$ per person from the Congress fee will be made available to the bank account of the WFP.



1. What (legal) form will be given to your local organizing committee?

2. Are there any local or national laws, regulations or customs that would limit, restrict or interfere with the congress in any way?

3. Will unhindered movement to (and exit from) the country be accorded to accredited persons?

4. Can the city demonstrate that it has comprehensive air and rail transportation services?

5. Can the city guarantee that the local transport facility, and the provision of cars and buses will be sufficient?

6. Can you provide general information about your city including a justification why it should be considered as an appropriate site for the congress?

7. If your city is elected, do you have an organization of sufficient experience to stage the congress?

8. Name any similar important international events that have been organized in your city (including number of participants)

9. What principles do you envisage in arranging the programme?

10. What facilities for the Congress are at present in your city? If these are not sufficient, will others be provided? Where? (Reckon with 2000-2500 attendees).

11. What Cultural programme do you propose?

12. How will the Congress be financed?

13. Do you agree with the principle that WFP shall receive 10 US$ per person of the congress fee paid by each participant?

14. Do you undertake the place the audited accounts relating to the ICOPA before the Executive Board of the WFP?

15. What accommodations will be provided? Where will they be located?

16. What arrangements can you foresee in order to reduce the daily cost of food, lodging and transportation as well as travel costs?

17. Please provide any additional information on the following aspects:

Medical facilities:

  • medical organization and control

  • first aid facilities for attendees

  • medical services at the congress

  • additional medical facilities in the city

  • communicable and tropical diseases management

  • hygiene and environmental issues

Security issues:

  • overall security strategy

  • police resources to be deployed

  • venue security

  • protection of attendees in the city

  • multi-lingual officers