I – Name

The World Federation of Parasitologists – founded in Warsaw, Poland, 1960, hereafter designated “The Federation”, is a non-profit making association in the sense of Art. 60 of the Swiss Civil Code.

II – Aim

The aims of the Federation are:

  1. To promote and co-ordinate exchange of knowledge, research and other activities related to parasitism.
  2. To assure the continuity of holding International Congresses of Parasitology.

III – Full membership

The full members of The Federation consist of scientific organisations concerned with parasitism. All full members are elected by the Council of the Federation.

IV – Admission, withdrawal and dismissal

The admission, withdrawal and dismissal of members are detailed in the By-Laws.

V- The Council

The Council of the Federation consists of:

  1. One voting representative officially appointed by each member Society.
  2. Not more than two additional individual members appointed by the Executive Board.

VI – Council Meetings

Council meetings are to be held during and at the site of every International Congress of Parasitology.

Council meetings are normally called by the Executive Board in accordance with the By-laws or by a quorum of the Council at any time. Business to be conducted will be in accordance with the By-laws and when necessary to amend the articles of the Constitution or to act on a motion for the dissolution of the Federation.

The President of the Board or, in his/her absence, the ranking Vice-President shall conduct the Council meeting. Resolutions are carried by a majority of the votes cast by the members present. Dissolution of the Federation or amendments of the articles of the Constitution must be agreed by two thirds of the members of the Council.

VII – The Executive Board

There shall be an Executive Board as described in the By-laws.

VIII – Functions of Executive Board

The functions of the Executive Board are as described by the By-laws.

IX – Meeting of the Executive Board

Meetings of the Executive Board are described in the By-laws.

X – Mail Ballots and Extraordinary General Meetings

Decisions, normally taken at meetings of the Council (excluding amendments of the Constitution and dissolution of the Federation), may be resolved according to By-laws.

XI – Minutes

Minutes of all meetings shall be kept according to the By-laws.

XII – Liabilities

  1. Financial liabilities are limited to the funds of the Federation. Personal liability of the members is excluded.
  2. The Federation shall not be responsible for the utterances or acts of its members.

XIII – Accounting

The accounting year ends on June 30.

XIV – Financial Statement

The Board submits to the Council at each meeting a financial statement for auditing. The financial statement must contain an exact accounting of the financial status of the Federation.

XV – Dues

The annual dues of members shall be recommended by the Executive Board for approval by Council.

XVI – Amendments

Proposed amendments to the Constitution should be sent to the Secretary at least 18 months before the scheduled Council meeting. Such amendments may be proposed by any member-associations of the Federation.

The Secretary shall submit the properly proposed amendments to all members of the Council and members of the Executive Board at least one year prior to the scheduled meeting of the Council.

Changes to the By-laws can be made at any Council Meeting provided that 24 hours notice to be given, in writing, of proposed changes.

The Council shall formally consider and act upon the proposed amendments at its regularly scheduled meetings. A favourable vote of two-thirds majority of the Council members present is required to adopt the proposed amendment.

XVII – Dissolution

The Federation shall be dissolved if its objectives cannot be fulfilled. Funds available after dissolution must be used to compliance with the objectives of the Federation.